Life is Looking For YOU!

Life is looking for you.

This is how it works: you need to show up to get found.

Blurt stuff out, send the letter, wear that shirt, dance! Make the song, meditate with your eyes open, do what it takes to feel the way you most want to feel. Make a joyful noise, jump up and down. Love out loud and say, “Life! I’m here, right over here!”

Live your truth and that angel is going to alert the universe. “There! Over there! She’s claimed her desires! They’re proud of what they want! She is asking for what she wants with her whole heart! So bright, all clear, over there!”

If you tone it down. Life can’t hear you.

If you full your instincts, you camouflage your soul.

Life is looking everywhere for you,

Live out loud and send up a flare.



Blissfully Her

