An Oath to Our Inner Children.
She sits. We climb.
She sits. her tiny legs crossed, her elbows on her knees, her chin in her hands. She resistantly begins to gaze up. Inch byinch, foot by foot, mile by mile…she scans. ‘How will I ever reach the top. How dare I believe I could ever reach the top.’ She shrivels, like a plucked grape in the beating sun, she uncrosses her legs and curls up on the ground. Limp. Lifeless. Lonely.
She sits. Her long legs crossed, her hands on the ground behind her, her chin raised to the sky. She confidently gazes up. Inch by inch, foot by foot, mile by mile…she smiles. ‘How dare I believe I could never reach the top.’ She radiates, like the rising sun over the ocean waves, she shifts her weight forward and effortlessly places her hand on the little girls head. Strong, Sturdy. Supported.
And as they sit there, she becomes me, me becomes I, and I becomes We. And as We is more powerful then any I or me….they climb.